Thursday, September 24, 2009


Perez Hilton reports,
According to In Touch Weekly, Robert Pattinson and his little brother
Kristen Stewart will be going public come December!
The couple (ewww!) will reportedly confirm their relationship (double ewwww!) in a tell-all interview and accompanying photo shoot with Harper's Bazaar.
Maybe In Touch has bad info???
“Rob and Kristen were relatively open about their relationship,” says the mag.
Our worst nightmare has been realized, but maybe we'll get some insight into what he's seeing in that sour puss biyatch!

First of all I don't know what Perez has against Kstew but according to ourpieceofforever, hes just a jealous a$$hole! Anyways, this "rumor" has already been debunked by GossipCop. People at the shoot were reading to much into their chemistry and mistook them for being "open" about their relationship. We all know Robsten would never come out, with their "supposed" relationship in a mag, so people please stop trying to make something out of nothing!

Photo Courtesy of JMJ1707 and StupidA$$Perez

1 comment:

  1. I know! Who cares if they are dating, let them have what little private lives they have. lol at the perez shots, he deserves them.
